Season Premiere Reception: Student Sendoff

August 12, 2024

Dear Members of the Harvard Club of Puerto Rico:

Good morning! We hope that you are having a great summer!

We invite you to join us at our next Harvard Club of Puerto Rico event, which will take place on Monday, August 12, 2024.

As Harvard gets ready to begin its new academic year, and current students get ready to return to Cambridge (or better yet, head out for the first time!), we will convene Puerto Rico's Harvard alumni community on August 12 for our Season Premiere Reception. The event will take place at the home of Dr. Michelle Carlo, of the Harvard College Class of 1993. The address appears in the attached invitation.

All students, parents, and Harvard alumni are welcome to attend the event. Come join your fellow Harvard alumni, current students everywhere through Harvard, and the newest crew of Harvard-bound students!

We kindly ask that you send in an RSVP by August 5, 2024 to Enjoy the rest of your summer, and we will see you at the Season Premiere Reception!
